Chambers: Certificate Authentication & Beyond

Specifically built for Chambers of Commerce to support + add value to international traders

4 Ways Your Chamber of Commerce can Support International Trade

Enabling you to provide certification services and extending to the Export hub/office, so you’re valued more

1. Certificate Issuing

A comprehensive range of certs approved the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) & Arab British Chambers of Commerce (ABCC)

2. Affiliate Chambers

Enable your affiliate chambers to participate in international trade certification, with your approval, and increase your reach

3. Launch Support

Jump right into the trader’s account to support them with any issues they may be facing, to provide valuable support

4. Export Office/Hub

Go beyond certificates and offer a complete Export Office service, so your traders ‘outsource’ their export processing to you

Grow Your Chamber’s Service Offering

Support traders directly using EdgeCTP or join with affiliate chambers and extend your reach

7 Powerful Business Tools in 1 Platform

Assist by launching into a client trader’s EdgeCTP account

Gain access to your client’s:
Contacts; Stock + Manufacturing; Trading Docs + Certificates; Logistics; Sales + Purchase Orders, and process trading Certificates needs as required.

International Trade Certificates

Assist or audit the way certificates are created + approved

View or help update/create the certificate applications. Such as: UK Cert of Origin; EUR1 Mvmt Certs; ATR1 Turkish Mvmt Certs; ABCC CofOs; Int. Import Certs and ATA Carnets.

Affiliated Chamber Clients

Widen your chamber’s reach to clients of affiliated chambers

Rather than be restricted to your regional or own chamber reach, use the functionality of the affiliates to collaborate with other chambers of commerce and assist their clients to benefit from your services.