EdgeTariff for assured landing of goods globally
Fully classify your product portfolio to clear customs efficiently, inform your customer at checkout of their order’s estimated duties + taxes, and scan your customers for any restrictions before shipping goods.
Product Pre-Classification (PPC)
Goods flow smoothly through customs when you first use EdgeTariff to accurately classify your goods into World Customs Organization-recognized Harmonized System (HS) codes and destination country-specific Fully Qualified (FQ) codes.
Estimated Duties + Taxes (EDT)
Prevent buyer’s remorse and reduce returned goods by providing estimated duties and taxes at the checkout, showing the landed cost of goods, i.e. Delivery + Duty Paid (DDP). This allows customers to make an informed buying decision.
Restricted Party Screening (RPS)
Knowing who you are sending goods to is a compliance obligation you cannot afford to ignore. Use EdgeCTP to verify your customer’s eligibility to receive your goods before sending to avoid customs impound fines, reputation-damaging exposure, etc.
Fast Bulk Products Classifications
Got more than a handful of products? 100s or 1000s? No problem – use EdgeCTP and our Excel loader to bulk submit all of your products for pre-classification, which are carefully classified by human curators within hours of submitting.
Custom Online + eCommerce Stores
Whether you have a custom online store or are using a standard eCommerce platform such as Shopify, use EdgeTariff to enhance your store with the PPC, EDT and RPS, and begin delivering the benefits of an internationally compliant buying experience.
API Connections for Flexibility
Want PPC, EDT + RPS in your own online systems, stores or wider eCommerce platforms such as BigCommerce, Magento, Etsy, etc? Use EdgeCTP’s REST API or JavaScript SDK to establish a system-to-system connection and tap into the EdgeTariff.
PPC: Classify Your Products Correctly
Harmonized System (HS) codes classify your product(s) for international orders and consignment. Request and get accurate classifications to HS 6-digit (Chapter, Header + Sub-header) and country specific Tariff + Fully Qualified 8 to 10-digit codes for faster customs clearance + accurate duties and taxes calculation. Have lots of products to classify? You can bulk submit your product data for classification.

EDT: Estimated Duties + Taxes
Provide your overseas buyers, during check-out, estimated duties and taxes, so they may better decide on the landed cost of their order on Delivery + Duty Paid (DDP) terms and avoid unexpected surprises when they receive the goods.

RPS: Restricted Party Screening
Nowadays, knowing who you are sending goods to is a compliance obligation you cannot afford to ignore. Avoid embarrassing + costly custom clearance issues, with potentially impounded goods + fines. Use our party screening tool and know about any restrictions BEFORE you fulfil that order and consign those goods. It’s a peace of mind service you cannot afford to be without.

eCommerce: Shopify App
Get the 3 services of PPC, EDT and RPS seamlessly integrated into your Shopify store and use them as embedded store tools + buyer checkout functionality.
How to install EdgeCTP
To install the EdgeCTP app on Shopify and use FedEx World Tariff services follow the link to our tutorial.
Application Program Interfaces (APIs): Connections for Flexibility
Wouldn’t you like PPC, EDT and RPS for online store or eCommerce platform such as BigCommerce, Magento, Etsy, etc? Use EdgeCTP’s REST API or JavaScript SDK to easily establish a system-to-system connection and tap into stress-saving tariff tools. For more info and support, get in touch today via support@edgectp.com